always about 10f above ambient here in Oregon, on colder days that drops. but right now i'm 20f above ambient for 130f driving down the street at 40mph.
At the PIR dragstrip i see 160-170f AIT's all day long.. and it MURDERs my 0-60 and 60 foots thus kills my 1/4 mile
At woodburn where lineups are quicker i still see 140-150f temps at start..
Lamrith pointed out that with this DI engine the throttle is closed at idle or near idle. So any time you stop even if you wrap, the air does not flow through the intact all that much at all and it will still climb in temps, just slower. So for a drag strip and or x-cross your first run might be good, but going back to the line up you will see higher and higher idle temps waiting to launch until it is like you did not wrap at all.
For street driving it might help a bit.. but street racing is not my thing so it is no use to me..