PRE-SHOW, LOAD-IN, SET-UP PICS......Wow! Just escaped the severe weather that rolled through yesterday, prior to official "roll-in".
Most of us, including myself, had to burn off fuel as the Fire Marshall was only allowing entrants to have 1/8th of a tank of fuel, or less.
We had a blast as we were all drag racing up and down several times, and I had won all of the races with the exception of a heavily modded 'Vette that sprayed nitrous on me.
The gasps and comments afterwards (about my car) were along the lines of....
"Holy sh!t I can't believe that's a Taurus!"
"What are you running (as far as fuel) we could smell like racing fluid"
"Dude that's insane, we never would've thought a Taurus can be like that"
......and on and on. Good times.
Anyhow, I captured 85 total pre-show pics yesterday. I won't post all 85 here, but here's the link to my Photobucket abum where you can all view tem on your own. walked around and captured these about 1/2-way through the roll-in period, and only about 1/2 the entrants had arrived at that time.
I'll capture more today and re-post later.
Here's a couple of mine just for sh!t's and giggles...... Enjoy!
Positioned, and partially set up myself:

Drag Racing Pit-Row..... hahaha:

A shot of Chi-Town's skyline from inside of McCormick Place Convention Center:

Wish me luck. Lot's of insane cars here. Show officially begins today. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Either way, looks like this'll be yet another memorable event.