It's been a few months.
So a lot of the little missing bolts and bits and pieces previously ordered since the last update have been slowly trickling their way in (no thanks to the ongoing national UAW Labor strike).
Another hiccup that was discovered had to do with the custom flywheel. When mating the custom trans, the flywheel, and the GH TC together, their wasn't sufficient clearance between the 3, which caused the TC to be locked up and not spin freely.
Soooooo...... MaxPower contacted and spoke with the flywheel vendor (Reactor Products out in Cali) and got approval to modify ever so slightly, the mounting holes on the flywheel itself, in order to provide the proper clearance (backspacing I believe was the word) to permit the TC to spin freely.
With that out of the way, coupled with the delivery of most (but not quite all) of the missing do dads, reassembly is continuing to see forward momentum.
Again, still LOTS remains to be done/accomplished, but Max Power was gracious enough to provide me with more assembly pics just this late afternoon, so I wanted to fire these off and get them uploaded for members to see.
Hope all is well with everyone. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

Oh, and regarding those seals on the valve covers since they were PC'd, I inquired about them and was told no worries that they've been accounted for and can be ordered.

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